
Viewing posts for the category Landscaping

5 Simple Landscaping Ideas For An Inviting Home

Homeowners tend to underestimate how powerful the landscape section of their home can be. So much focus goes into the interior, but in reality, it's the exterior that sets the mood. If you come home to a yard that is dead and filthy, would you walk into your home in a happy spirit? And nobody is saying you have to make the garden look like something out of a magazine, but a few subtle touches can go a long way. In fact, they can gently enhance your mood when you get home, instead of making you want to run for the hills.

Stone or Concrete - Pavers Can Add Personality To a Landscape

walkway with stone paver designEvery home will have an entryway, a walkway, or even sidewalks. These are areas that need to be adequately covered so that they are easy to use and maintain. Pavers, whether of stone or concrete are the best alternatives for this surfacing. Stone and concrete pavers can make any landscape an aesthetic delight and add a lot of personality to any home.

5 Types Of Wood Mulch: Which Is The Best Option For You?

In landscaping, mulch refers to organic products that are applied to gardens to conserve water usage, as a soil improvement, and as decorative ground cover. One of the most popular types of mulch is bark mulch and comes in chips of different sizes and shapes. Wood mulch also comes in several other varieties that feed the soil as they decompose, help retain soil moisture, and improve the appearance of your garden.

How To Choose The Right Landscape Rock For Your Project

rouch stone block retaining wall and side walkIf there is one thing that all homeowners are interested in, it's having the best-looking home that they possibly can. Often, it's more than just a matter of producing curb appeal; it's a matter of having something you can be proud of and leave a mark on the neighborhood that is positive. Although there are many different ways to accomplish this, it is often the landscaping that makes the primary difference.

Peninsula Pavers

Based in Traverse City, Michigan, Peninsula Pavers is a locally owned and operated business. 

If you are interested in learning more about our services and how we can bring your outdoor hardscape project to life, please contact us today!


Rosetta Waterscapes



Outdoor Kitchens


Natural Stone Outdoor Fireplaces


Retaining Walls Seawalls


Outcropping Steps  Rosetta

Peninsula Pavers
6772 East Traverse Highway
Traverse City, Michigan   49684

Phone: (231) 421-8480

Peninsula Pavers, Inc., Landscape Contractors, Traverse City, MI